We would like to remind you that our fabric supplier company is a member of European Flax-Linen and Hemp Alliance and therefore all fabrics that we use are certificated with European flax. But do you know what advantage this certificate has?
European Flax ™ is the answer to consumer expectations and CSR requirements:
A production of the fibre that is respectful of the environment:
- No irrigation (except in exceptional circumstances)
- No GMO seeds
- A local rotation crop: excellent head of rotation
- Low use of fertilisers and pesticides; no defoliants
- Natural dew retting in the field
- 100% mechanical fibre production (scutching)
- ZERO WAIST fibre – all parts of the plant are used and valorised (fibre, shives, seed…)
The Life cycle assessment (LCA) of the European Flax ™ scutched long fibre is already available (on https://news.eiropeanflax.com/LCA/) and in progress for the following transformation steps.
Social and Ethical Responsibility
- A fibre produced in compliance with the rules of the international Labour Office
- A 100% vegetable and vegan fibre
A fibre with proven performance
Comfort, thermoregulation, moisture transfer, breathability.
European Flax ™ is the quality visa for premium European fibre flax for all markets.
It preserves, promotes and supports a European agricultural and industrial exception, its territorial origin and non-relocatable know-how, it is an ambitious global brand which is intended to be identified by the end consumer.
The European Flax ™ certification guarantees traceability that is verified by an independent third-party organization (certification body) for products made of pure linen or containing a minimum of 50% linen.
The European Flax ™ certificate for our fabric supplier